1. Best Feature Film
The Pupil
2. Best Short Film
3. Best Mini Short Film
Garden Spells
4. Best Western Short Film
Sponsored by "BrenRock Productions LLC"
The Last Bullet
5. Best Western Mini Short Film
Smoking Gun
6. Best Foreign Film
The Lights of Dawn
7. Best Actor (Feature)
Alan Thornburg (The Pupil)
8. Best Supporting Actor (Feature)
Jamie Campbell (Millennial with a Cane)
9. Best Actress (Feature)
Taylor Zamora (The Pupil)
10. Best Supporting Actress (Feature)
Rianna Kirkham (The Pupil)
11. Best Actor (Short)
Theodore Carl Flood (All Else Fails)
12. Best Supporting Actor (Short)
Mike Zaragosa (Ghost Trippers)
13. Best Actress (Short)
Mackenzie Coffman (All Else Fails)
14. Best Supporting Actress (Short)
Penny Leleux (Shhh)
15. Best Actor (Mini Short)
Joel Foster (Jack of All Lanterns)
16. Best Supporting Actor (Mini Short)
Marc Pouhé (Terminator: Bad Judgment Day)
17. Best Actress (Mini Short)
Brianna Fogelson (Jack of All Lanterns)
18. Best Supporting Actress (Mini Short)
Renee Spahr (Garden Spells)
19. Best Actor (Western Short)
Moe Headrick (Nolan)
20. Best Supporting Actor (Western Short)
Richard Cutting (Bass Reeves and the Brunter Brothers)
21. Best Actress (Western Short)
Emma Ros (Kill Them All and Don't Come Back Alone)
22. Best Supporting Actress (Western Short)
Marzia Liuzzi (Kill Them All and Don't Come Back Alone)
23. Best Actor (Western Mini Short)
Norman Butterfield (Smoking Gun)
24. Best Supporting Actor (Western Mini Short)
David Butterfield (Smoking Gun)
25. Best Actress (Western Mini Short)
Tess Hamilton (Framer)
26. Best Actor in a Foreign Film
Simon Eriksson (The First Bonfire of Spring)
27. Best Supporting Actor in a Foreign Film
Miguel Angel Romero for
(Kill Them All and Don't Come Back Alone)
28. Best Actress in a Foreign Film
Sofia Gustafsson (The First Bonfire of Spring)
29. Best Supporting Actress in a Foreign Film
Agnes Molander (The First Bonfire of Spring)
30. Best Director (Feature Film)
Jon Lance Bacon (Oh Crappy Day)
31. Best Director (Short Film)
Corbin Timbrook (Bail Out - I Am Lorenzo Lamas)
32. Best Director (Mini Short Film)
Lisa Belcher (Terminator: Bad Judgment Day)
33. Best Director (Western Short Film)
Moe Headrick (Nolan)
34. Best Director (Western Mini Short Film)
David Butterfield (Smoking Gun)
35. Best Director (Foreign)
Sadie Duarte (The Lights of Dawn)
36. Best Director (Animation)
Micah Chambers-Goldberg (The Combine)
37. Best Young Actors
Deegan Cahill (Framer)
Jackson Squires (Framer)
Ethan Barker (Framer)
Lukas Kaminsky (Trucked!)
Nicholas Kaminsky (Trucked!)
Daniel Kaminsky (Trucked!)
Heston Lee (The Last Bullet)