It was 1977. Smokey and the BanditBreaker! Breaker! and Citizens Band movies were released that year.
CB radios, 8 Track players, feathered hair and bell bottoms were all very popular. Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album
went #1 for 59 weeks, and Elvis performed his last Oklahoma concert in March. Weekend social activity for young people was talking on CB radios, hot-rodding up and down main street, meeting friends and hanging out at their favorite diners that were open 24 hrs.

Two CRAZY NUTS leave everyone they meet
'ALL SHOOK UP' after going to an ELVIS concert!
Inspired by true events!
One Crazy Night Movie LLC
P.O. Box 1434
Harrah, OK 73045-1434
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We are being fiscally sponsored through a reputable 501(c)(3),
From The Heart Productions, who can accept funds on our behalf.
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Donations are Tax Deductible!!

If you'd rather send a check, please make check donations payable to 'From the Heart Productions' and indicate the name of the film "One Crazy Night Movie" on the memo line. Mail your check to:

'From The Heart Productions'
1013 Harbor Ave. #53
Oxnard, CA 93035
(805) 984-0098
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From The Heart Productions